Take the Smart Wellness Challenge

Review your daily habits and fix them! Learn how to shortcut your way to wellness with this fascinating 8-week learning experience based on the Amazon Bestseller book by Dr Julia Jones.

Here's what you'll learn!

New content unlocks for you every week

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    • Hello from Dr Julia Jones, aka Dr Rock

    • This is your Challenge

    • Here's exactly what you'll learn during this Smart Wellness Challenge!

    • Download your e-copy of the book 'Neuron: Smart Wellness Made Easy' by Julia Jones, PhD

    • Download and print out your Smart Wellness Habit Tracker Poster

    • Here's what to expect each week!

    • This content is not medical advice

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    The Audiobook version of 'Neuron: Smart Wellness Made Easy' (in bitesized listening clips)

    • About the Audio Book

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 1 - Definitions

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 2 - Preface

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 3 - Chapter 1: "Back to the future"

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 4 - Chapter 1: "Back to the future"

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 5 - Chapter 1: "Back to the future"

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 6 - Chapter 1: "Back to the future"

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    Week 1 - Introduction to Smart Wellness

    • Bitesize Video 1 - A brief introduction to the concept of smart wellness, biohacking principles and a course overview

    • Bitesize Video 2 - The 6 smart wellness pillars that will be featured during the course: eating and drinking, breathing, thinking, moving, sleeping, and maintaining life-long health habits

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Example ways to consume the course while boosting your wellness and trying new hacks and habits

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Introduction to Dr Julia Jones – aka Dr Rock – and why music is one of the most powerful biohacks

    • Week 1 - Webinar: Introduction to Smart Wellness

    • Pages 34-60 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 7 - Chapter 2: A Quick Bit of Basic Brain Science

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 8 - Chapter 2: A Quick Bit of Basic Brain Science

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 9 - Chapter 2: A Quick Bit of Basic Brain Science

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 10 - Chapter 2: A Quick Bit of Basic Brain Science

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 11 - Chapter 2: A Quick Bit of Basic Brain Science

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    Week 2 - CONSUMING: How To Fix Your Eating & Drinking Habits

    • Bitesize Video 1 - Overview of the weekly topic: How to hack eating and drinking habits and gain more control over what we consume

    • Bitesize Video 2 - Learn why your supermarket habit is so addictive and find out how to break it through a simple digital hack

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Learn how to stay in control and combat persuasive marketing when you do have to enter a supermarket environment

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Discover how to tap into your cell biology and control your waistline using simple timed eating hacks

    • Week 2 - Webinar: CONSUMING

    • Pages 64-100 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 12 - Chapter 3: Consuming

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 13 - Chapter 3: Consuming

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 14 - Chapter 3: Consuming

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 15 - Chapter 3: Consuming

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 16 - Chapter 3: Consuming

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 17 - Chapter 3: Consuming

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    Week 3 - BREATHING: How To Make Your Breath Your Superpower

    • Bitesize Video 1 - Overview of the weekly topic: How to hack your breathing and turn breath into your superpower switch

    • Bitesize Video 2 - Learn about your mighty vagus nerve and how to harness its full potential using simple breathing techniques

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Discover how to use different breathing ratios to hack into your autonomic nervous system and train it to manage stress

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Find out why cold water exposure (in nature or in the shower) can be the perfect training ground for your vagus nerve and stress response

    • Bitesize Video 5 - Learn about a quick simple breathing hack that can easily be used in a real-time high stress situation, helping you recover control over your fight or flight response

    • Bitesize Video 6 - Discover how to use music to stimulate and train your ancient nervous systems’ survival response, helping it to operate optimally in our confusing modern environment

    • Week 3 - Webinar: BREATHING

    • Pages 101-131 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 18 - Chapter 4: Breathing

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 19 - Chapter 4: Breathing

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 20 - Chapter 4: Breathing

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 21 - Chapter 4: Breathing

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 22 - Chapter 4: Breathing

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 23 - Chapter 4: Breathing

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    Week 4 - THINKING: How To Gain Control Over Your Thoughts & Boost Focus

    • Bitesize Video 1 - Overview of the weekly topic: How to hack your thinking, gain control over brain states and boost your cognitive performance

    • Bitesize Video 2 - Learn how to set your brain chemistry in the morning to increase your chances of having a great day

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Discover how to quickly identify silent ANTS (autonomic negative thoughts) and stop them in their tracks

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Find out how to create a runway to improve the journey into focus and flow, without stress, throughout a work day

    • Bitesize Video 5 - Discover how to use eye focus techniques to trigger your nervous system and prime your brain for work that needs high attention

    • Bitesize Video 6 - Learn how to work your brain like a muscle using brain state training and self-hypnosis / mindfulness / meditation / gratitude practices

    • Bitesize Video 7 - Find out the fastest way to trigger moods and mindsets using music and music imagination techniques

    • Week 4 - Webinar: THINKING

    • Pages 132-160 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 24 - Chapter 5: Thinking

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 25 - Chapter 5: Thinking

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 26 - Chapter 5: Thinking

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 27 - Chapter 5: Thinking

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 28 - Chapter 5: Thinking

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    Week 5 - MOVING: How To Hack Your Physical Activity Without A Gym Membership

    • Bitesize Video 1 - Overview of the weekly topic: How to hack your movement by tapping into the ancient survival circuits in your brain/body and using AI

    • Bitesize Video 2 - Learn how to boost metabolism and immunity by building muscle tissue using efficient slow motion techniques

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Discover how to tap into the brain’s automatic response to music to easily embed more movement into your life

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Find out why a simple, short walk outdoors delivers immense wellness benefits due to the brain’s response to the sights and sounds of a natural environment

    • Week 5 - Webinar: MOVING

    • Pages 161-179 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 29 - Chapter 6: Moving

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 30 - Chapter 6: Moving

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 31 - Chapter 6: Moving

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 32 - Chapter 6: Moving

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    Week 6 - SLEEPING: How To Supercharge Your Rest

    • Bitesize Video 1 - Overview of the weekly topic: How to hack your sleeping and protect your brain from the ageing process

    • Bitesize Video 2 - Learn how to trigger the in-built sleep control timer in your eyes to regulate the release of sleep chemicals

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Discover how to fix your indoor environment to reduce the negative impact of blue light on your sleep regulating brain circuits

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Find out how to stop your tech devices disrupting your biological sleep systems so you can protect and regulate your Circadian Rhythm

    • Bitesize Video 5 - Learn how to achieve consistent high-quality rest by creating a sleep runway using music, light, scent and timers

    • Week 6 - Webinar: SLEEPING

    • Pages 180-199 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 33 - Chapter 7: Sleeping

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 34 - Chapter 7: Sleeping

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 35 - Chapter 7: Sleeping

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    Week 7 - MAINTAINING: How To Maintain Brain Power Through Life & Lock In Good Forever Habits

    • Bitesize Video 1 - Overview of the weekly topic: How to futureproof your health by forming bulletproof, lifelong smart wellness habits

    • Bitesize Video 2 - Discover how to use habit stacking techniques to quickly create healthier daily routines by building upon a stable foundation

    • Bitesize Video 3 - Learn how to use networks to find your tribe, trigger social brain chemicals and greatly increase your successful formation of new wellness habits

    • Bitesize Video 4 - Find out how to use music to slow down the ageing process by boosting positive plasticity and protecting brain connections

    • Bitesize Video 5 - Discover how to use technology and measurement techniques to make your long-term smart wellness journey more interesting and fulfilling

    • Week 7 - Webinar: MAINTAINING

    • Pages 200-228 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 36 - Chapter 8: Maintaining

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 37 - Chapter 8: Maintaining

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 38 - Chapter 8: Maintaining

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 39 - Chapter 8: Maintaining

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 40 - Chapter 8: Maintaining

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    Week 8 - Summary & Wrap Up

    • Week 8 - Webinar: Overview of the smart wellness approach

    • Pages 229-255 in the book are relevant to this section

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 41 - My new daily routine (Chapters 9/10/11)

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 42 - My new daily routine (Chapters 9/10/11)

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 43 - My new daily routine (Chapters 9/10/11)

    • Neuron Audio Book Clip 44 - Final Note & Thank You

    • What did you find most valuable during this challenge?

    • What next?

Seize the moment

The Introductory Offer price is currently £247 (if paid in full not via the monthly payment plan). This equates to approximately $347 and €287 but exchange rates do vary.

  • $247.00

    The Smart Wellness Challenge

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  • or 3 x £79 monthly payments

    Instalment Plan

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Introducing your coach

Neuroscientist & Smart Wellness Expert

Dr Julia Jones, aka Dr Rock

Julia was first introduced to the smart wellness techniques, now also known as 'biohacking', in 1991, while visiting a US Naval Base in California as a Sport & Exercise Science undergraduate. She discovered how the elite military were using simple shortcuts and practices involving natural tools such as breathing, music, daylight exposure and nutrition to boost sleep, improve focus, maintain a healthy weight and control stress during high pressure situations. She's been using and studying these techniques ever since. She believes these simple and efficient life-changing 'smart wellness' habits should be taught to everyone. So, she wrote her 'Health Trilogy' books to help spread this basic knowledge. Julia is a member of the Royal Society for Public Health and the British Neuroscience Association. Her full biography can be found at www.drjuliajones.com